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2022 Officer Election



Tina Lincourt, PsyD (Choctaw)

for Secretary

It is with a humble heart and sincere enthusiasm that I submit my nomination for secretary of Society of Indian Psychologists (SIP). SIP’s dedication and heart toward promoting the wellbeing across Indian Country is highlighted through the provision of a strong and welcoming community of support for Native Psychologists and Students. SIP not only provides support to its members, but also serves as a community of knowledge sharing, growth, collaboration, innovation, and advocacy that I have very much come to deeply admire and respect. I am honored to be considered as secretary of SIP and look forward to serving in a community that has given so much to me by having the opportunity to give back in the way of service.



Tina Lincourt, PsyD is a member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and a Licensed Psychologist with Riverside-San Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc. where she has the distinct pleasure of working Indian Country in rural and urban settings. She is the project director of the Garret Lee Smith Grant/Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention & Early Intervention Program where she has developed, implemented, and oversees the integrated behavioral health program as well as a suicide prevention community outreach program. She graduated from Loma Linda University as a Doctor of Psychology in 2018. Dr. Lincourts’ enthusiasm for the discipline of psychology coupled with her passion for reducing mental health disparities amongst minority populations has led her to serve on a number of committees within the American Psychological Association including her current position as past Chair of the Psychologists in Indian Country Section of the Public Service Division. She is the Society of Indian Psychologist’s 2019-2020 Fellow of the APA Council of National Psychological Associations for the Advancement of Ethnic Minority Interests (CNPAAEMI) Leadership Development Institute (LDI). Dr. Lincourt not only has a background in mental health but she also has experience working with adolescents in the juvenile justice system in a residential placement facility and former career experience as a program/management analyst for the Department of Defense, United States Marine Corps that has provided her with a strong skillset for applied industrial/organizational psychology concepts


R. Joel Farrell II, PhD (Cherokee/Creek)

for Treasruer

I am interested in serving the SIP as your Treasurer. Professionally, I am a counselor and educational psychologist working in university administration for the Air Force. I am the Chief of Planning and Innovation for Department of the Air Force’s Air University, co-chair of the USAF Surgeon General’s Research Task Force at Air University and the Human Domain Community and direct the Quality Enhancement Plan effort—Leadership and Ethics across the Continuum of Learning. I also teach and advise graduate students in leadership, health, and strategy. My academic background includes a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision with a specialization in Educational Psychology from Auburn, MEd in Counseling-College Student Development (Auburn), MS in Religion-Christian Ministry (Amridge), and post-doctoral work in Bioethics at Georgetown’s Kennedy Institute of Ethics. Personally, I am of mixed heritage including Cherokee. I am a citizen of the Cher-O-Creek Intratribal Council in Alabama.


For the role of Treasurer, I have served as a board member and treasurer for professional organizations previously. I am interested in serving SIP in this role. If selected, I will be committed to helping SIP by fulfilling the Treasurer’s duties.

APA Council Representative

Art Director

Joanna Shadlow, PhD (Osage)

for APA Counicl Representative

I am interested in continuing to serve the Society of Indian Psychologists for another 3-year term as the delegate for the American Psychological Associations Council of Representatives. As your delegate I will continue to support SIP leadership by representing and voting on their behalf at the APA CoR meetings in August and February. I will consult with SIP leadership to prepare for APA CoR meetings and continue to co-chair the Equity Diversity Inclusion Advisory Group to CoR (former Council Diversity Workgroup) with the other Ethnic Minority Psychological Association delegates. I am a member of the Osage Nation and serve on the board of the American Indians into Psychology program at Oklahoma State University. On faculty at the University of Tulsa my research focuses on Native American health and the chronic pain disparity. I confirm that I will perform the necessary duties of this role and will inform SIP leadership of the happenings at APA.

Student Representative

Meredyth Cheromiah Slazar (Laguna Pueblo)

for Student Representative

Gah’wah’dzee, Dew-qwish stah, eh shaar’ska sinah hanu stah, Gwee’stee sah’ow. Greetings all! My name is Maredyth Cheromiah Salazar and I am a member of Laguna Pueblo from the village of Paguate, New Mexico. I have been a student member of SIP since 2016 as an undergraduate at the University of New Mexico and am currently a second-year master’s of science student in the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Alaska in Anchorage.


My academic, research, and clinical interest is in the treatment of substance use disorders using culturally relevant methods to facilitate the empowerment of Indigenous communities. My commitment to education and service for our People in Indian Country and beyond is to help build a sense of connectedness and belonging amongst our People and to hold space for community members enduring life challenges. Too often, academia and Western psychological practices are deficit focused; however, our People have preserved through the impacts of colonization with strength and resilience, so that new ancestors and I have the opportunity to live fully in the knowledge of the contemporary and traditional world to help our people thrive. My ultimate goal in pursuing my education is to join the new mental health paradigm of providing services for us, by us.


I am confident that I can fulfill the duties of a SIP Student Representative to call-in and serve other Native psychology students to help us, help each other navigate academia and uphold SIP’s mission and purpose as student members.


Dah’wah’eh (thank you) for your consideration!

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