Click the "Subscribe" button within your desired membership box to purchase or renew your membership. This will send you to the PayPal page. You can sign in to PayPal and select automatic renewal through your account or make a one-time payment as a PayPal guest without creating a PayPal account. PayPal accepts credit or debit cards.
​Payment Information:
Membership dues are applied annually and assessed according to SIP's fiscal year between
January 1 to December 31.
Pay by check:
To learn more about how you can submit your payment via check,
please connect with our SIP Treasurer by clicking here.
Society of Indian Psychologists
SIP Treasurer: R Joel Farrell, PhD
Questions or concerns? Please email Dr. Farrell by clicking here.
Student Membership
Any college student currently enrolled in a mental/behavioral health or psychology program.
$10 annual dues.
Community Listserv
Mentorship Program Eligibility
Annual SIP Retreat & Conference Admission
Professional Networking & Social Support
-80% Off Annual Dues (Students Only)
Chapter Membership
Form a local area or student member chapter.
For more information contact