SIP Students
This part of the site is devoted to assisting students. You will discover a wealth of valuable information and resources here if you are interested in expanding your study of psychology to promote the mental health of Indigenous peoples.
SIP Student Representative (2023-2025):
Sara Spence, Ininew (Cree)
Peguis First Nation, Manitoba

SIP Student Representative (2024-2026):
Graham Scheiblich (Chumash)
Check out our library with lots of publications, books by AI/AN authors and
the Journal of Indigenours Research!!
Are you looking for scholarships to help you pay for your studies?
Connect with us today to learn about the available scholarships and grants in your state or the nation. Check out these APF Scholarships!
Did you know that SIP offers a mentorship program?
The Society of Indian Psychologists (SIP) Native-to-Native Mentorship Program is designed to match Native individuals (students and junior faculty) who are aspiring for careers in any area of psychology (academic, research, industry, public service, clinical, school, or consulting) with Native mentors. We provide training, CEU webinars, and a Native support community to enhance career and personal development.
Our community has a wealth of articles, studies, and other resources that might help you with your dissertation research. To read more, please visit the Journal of Indigenous Research or contact us right away.
Native Pathways: A College-Going Guidebook for Youth
This culturally-relevant guide was developed to empower Native students to prepare, plan and successfully take the first steps of their higher education journey – with their identity firmly in hand. Helping students navigate school choice, applications, finances, and their first year at school, it includes contributions from Native graduates, professionals and artists.
Source: American Indian College Fund.